Ok, fine it's a blog, I have a blog. All the cool photographers have one.
Ugh. Horrible word. I ripped the idea of calling it a journal from Beth Bresford (sorry Beth). So much more elegant.
Anyway, here's a bunch of stuff I've written about Suffolk wedding photography and such like. Mostly tips and insights, little bit of behind-the-sceney / story type stuff that I thought someone might find vaguely interesting. Side-note: I'm VERY late to the blog game so I've got a fair bit of catching up to do. I actually only started it because of SEO (did you catch the cheeky little keyword plug earlier in the paragraph?) but according to the stats you crazy people actually read it so I do try to make them at least mildly useful. Go on, have a little snoop. I won't tell anyone you're supposed to be working...